Last Sunday, I was reading the pirated softcopy (Torrentin maayam!!) of the latest Dan Brown novel "The Lost Symbol" (book ah pathi adutha post la..). Suddenly one of my friends called and asked me whether we can go for "Tata Crucible". I questioned him what the hell was that!.. Then he explained that its a "Business quiz" conducted by Tata Group every year.
O...k... In order to not disappoint him and to keep up my integrity (mattaen nu sonna onnum theriyadhu nu nenachuruvainga..) told him to call me when the day comes. He bounced back "Today is the day.. Am on the way.. Get ready and take bath atleast today since we are going to TAJ Connemara" (ithenna da vambaa pochu..).
To keep up my principle that "Once committed, No one can stop, even if its me" (Engayo kaetta maari irukkumae.. Athaan ippa hindi la vandhuruchae.. aang.. athae dialog than), I hurried up to get ready. So without any business knowledge and full of hope I joined my well versed friend in his two wheeler and started to TAJ. (Vidraa vandiya..)
Once we enetered TAJ, we went directly to the reception. There stood a guy and more importantly, a fair looking, seemed-to-have-missed air hostess job at last second, girl. I asked to the girl the most important question of the "TATA Crucible, "Where is the quiz scheduled?". Immediately, the guy answered, "Sir, Go and take right. There's a ball room. There it is". (Naan yaarta kaettaen?)
Ok today our motive is to attend the quiz. Even before I started, my friend went to registartion desk and got an answer sheet and filled our names. Along with it was pinned a 500 Rs. worth coupon for buying an attire in "Westside" (Enakku theriyum intha maari aethavathu irukkum nu).
The prelims started with many of us standing and writing the answers (Ukkaandha mattum 25 kum answer theriyumaakkum). At first it was Latin and Greek. Then something surfaced. Finally I got answers, correct answers for two questions. One was "Current" and the other "Lord Rippon" (Rippon engal appan..). Without any hope we handed over the answer sheet to the volunteers (Bossu aethavathu paathu seiyaradhu..).
There was a break, a tea break. There me and my friend were discussing answers and decided we won't make it. But still we thought of staying back. We are not wizards and its not a magic. So as expected we were not in the 6 teams who truly deserved it. The final Quiz started.
The first round was a cross word puzzle. Once the qusetions and answers started flowing out, I felt myself interesting. The way questions were asked and the manner the contestants found the hidden answers made it more interesting than a thriller. So atlast, as its the rule, only one can be the winner, one team was selected. One of them is from my college itself. I felt very happy that I know the winner of this prestigious venture.
This contest made me realize two things:
1. Where am I standing in Business and Economical knowledge - Light years away.
2. If that guy from my college can make it, what am I lagging! - Everything.
Answers for the above questions are quite simple and clear. I questioned myself not just because I din't win a prize. Its only because I couldnt even realize the names of the organisations discussed in the forum. What could be the remedy for that? Gradual improvement.
So from this week onwards, along with "Anada vikatan" and "Kumutham", "Businees Today" got a place in my weekly buy.
I forgot the most important thing. The gift coupon they gave is valid only for "Ascot" branded shirts. Immediately after quiz, me and my friend went to "Westside" and realized there's nothing less than 1000 bucks in "Ascot" except one (enna koduma Saravanan ithu..).
What was that? NO.. No... Not that..
Its SOCKS. and it SUCKS.
Eh! Namala sona kapangala! - update your knowledge nu!
ReplyDeleteIn my regular daily dose reading in online, I found 3 useful things:
1. I read a recent article in smazing magazine, which says a person who is really updating his knowledge will never go aged!
2. very useful article about speedy fox - http://www.lockergnome.com/blade/2009/09/21/speedy-fox-optimize-firefox-profile-its-free/
-- sujatha irundurunda oru article aludirparu
3. create flash website creation - http://www.wix.com/
technology also we are behind everyone!
Good Analysis about urself. COuld understand ur problem.
ReplyDeleteLet my try to carve some idea.. I m not a master.. But, the below content will help u.
But, vl tell u.. This Business knowledge finding cannot be made by just reading.. If u try to do lke tht, it becomes a habit & vl slowly vanish after sometime. Like u try to brush everyday night. After few days, u dont follow that.
U plan to exercise r walk.. few days.. Forget as usual due to laziness or time bound.
I suggest u a better thing.. U thnk lke u r running a business & invested money into it. Trying to grow ur company.. Just imagine 4 few days.. Select a product line.. May be FMCG, Car Making, IT r Mech. Line whatever 2 ur interest... name the company.. may be x, y, z..
Now, Start focussing on the product line. If u select Auto, thnk Hyundai, Ford, Daimler, Fiat are ur competitors. Start searching news about thm in papers, Net, any damn thng.. Slowly u get connected to other line related to Auto.
I vouch u no industryline can be independent. All r interconnected. If u read about Ford, they vl tell u v r trying to match PAT of Relaince. Then, u read about reliance & so on. . Start questioning in a simple way.. Like Why this fucker Reliance is not concentrating in Auto ?? Bleedy why this L&T not concentrating on their PBIT in their Third Quarter?? So, things become simple questions 4 u...
I found this was a good trick, I followed it during my initial days & I was useful because of it. Could able to tell something about Companies, Finance, & their terms.
Try this out.
Hope was useful 4 u.
The first person to comment this deeply on any of my posts.. Sure ill follow..